As we know people are at the centre of all successful enterprises, whether the purpose of the enterprise is a product or service, whether for-profit or not-for-profit. Building a successful team culture in which all staff talents are aligned is also the challenge of leadership. Regardless of your particular situation I may be able to help if:
You are part of a community group and …
- the vision is unclear
- decisions take too long or are not followed through
- commitment of members is sporadic
- the committee election process is not based on clear criteria
- there are no review processes to help improve the organisation
- the association rules need to be updated
You are part of a leadership team within a business experiencing growth or the need to restructure and …
- you are not sure about your preferred business model
- there is no shared vision
- team roles are not clear
- existing skills are not well utilised
- there is dissatisfaction or friction in the team
- accountability is vague
- succession planning is poor or non existent
- recruitment processes are haphazard
- staff review processes are irregular or ineffective
You are a leader facing challenges on many fronts and …
- you are unsure about your strengths and weaknesses
- you feel unable to address conflict or manage poor behaviour
- you find it difficult to prioritise amongst the many demands
- you are looking for a place to reflect on the challenges you face
- you would like to be part of a professional peer group to share experience
In my consultancy work I draw on my experiences in social work and education together with a keen interest in people and organisational dynamics.
To discuss further please get in touch using the Contact Form.