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Just a bit about me

I have lived and worked in New Zealand and Australia for over 30 years.
My formal educational background includes:
BSc Econ (Philosophy) – London School of Economics, UK; Organisation and Social Development – Emerson College, UK; Grad Dip in Disputes Resolution – Massey University, NZ.
I am an accredited facilitator of the Leaderskill®  360° feedback process.

My informal educational background includes encounters with many interesting people and highly rewarding work experiences in mostly not-for-profit or for purpose organisations.

I am currently active on the boards of a number of community organisations promoting environmental and social causes.

I live in South Australia in a coastal settlement south of Adelaide. I am an avid reader on contemporary social and economic issues. I try to ride my bike more often than use the car.

Some authors I have met along the way who have informed my understanding:


Peter Senge – The Fifth Discipline
James Hillman – The Soul’s Code
Rudolf Steiner – Various books and lectures
Karen Horney – Neurosis and Human Growth
Frank Rivers – The Way of the Owl
Julia Cameron – The Artists Way
Various authors – Meeting the Shadow

I welcome any questions or comments. Please use the Contact Form.